About the Blogger

Hello there bloggers, my name is Joan Carol Ca-ay but my friends call me "Carol" or "Carolina", cause I don't like "Joan" it sounds so serious you know.=)

A 19 year old jolly girl. Currently taking up Bachelor of Science in  Business Administration major in Marketing Management.

A dreamer. That someday I will be successful in the field of business.

I like to do crazy things with my partners in crime -- "FRIENDS". Maybe with random people, I'm shy. But when I'm with them, I'm crazy.

Maybe some people would say I'm PAMATI, "Pero huy, AY KAYO I-FEEL. Before you Judge me, make sure your Perfect." 

I love music, but music doesn't love me. Hays, Life! Hahaha. I am always ready to discover new things.

I am new on this site so I hope you follow and support me as I enter the blogging world. I will share with you in my college life. I hope you enjoy!:))

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